Report from Modesto (California, USA)

The Modesto Bee
Courtesy: The Modesto Bee

Local youth teams qualify for Futsal nationals

The kids are going to Kansas.

Boys and girls youth teams from the Stanislaus United Soccer Club will travel to New Century, Kan., later this month to take part in the United States Futsal Federation National Championships.

The Stanislaus United teams, boys 12 and under and girls 9 and under, compete in what’s known as futsal, a form of soccer. They compete on a hard court, smaller than a football field, with a ball that has about 30 percent less bounce than a regulation soccer ball. It’s a 5-on-5 contest including a goalkeeper.

The local teams already have enjoyed great success. The boys won a national title in 2014 and both the girls and boys took home national crowns last year in San Jose.

Last December, the Stanislaus United teams won regional titles and qualified for their return to Kansas. They practice in Modesto.

“These kids practice four days a week and are extremely dedicated,” club director Antonio Reyes said. “They really put in the work.”

Posted by Luca Ranocchiari --> luca.ranocchiari@futsalplanet.com


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