Easter International Futsal Cup29-30/3/2013Padova (Italy)
Centro Sportivo Brentella "Raciti"
Palestra Gozzano
Dear friends,
We would live to invite you to our upcoming Easter International Futsal Cup Tournament in Padova, Italy. The tournament takes place on the 29th and 30th March 2013 and features two categories; one for players born in 1996-97 and one for players born in 1998-99. It is organised by
Petrarca Padova Futsal and their President
Paolo Morlino.
We are sure a great experience will be had by all those involved and we hope to see you there.
For futher details please don't hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to provide you with all the information you need. This can be done through email at the address
info@petrarcacalcioacinque.itBest regards,
Paolo Morlino
Tournament Director
Posted by
Mico Martic -->