LEB Futsal Play-Off 2017/2018 SEMI-FINALS 1st Matches ?/?/2018 Bank of Beirut - Shoueifat Army - Louaize 2nd Matches ?/?/2018 Shoueifat - Bank of Beirut Louaize - Army 3rd Matches ?/?/2018 Bank of Beirut - Shoueifat Army - Louaize 4th Matches - If necessary ?/?/2018 Louaize - Army 5th Matches - If necessary ?/?/2018 Army - Louaize FINAL 1st Match 5/4/2018 Bank of Beirut - Louaize 6-4 aet; 4-4 2nd Match 9/4/2018 Louaize - Bank of Beirut 3rd Match 13/4/2018 Bank of Beirut - Louaize 4th Match - If necessary ?/4/2018 Louaize - Bank of Beirut 5th Match - If necessary ?/4/2018 Bank of Beirut - Louaize LEB Futsal Play-Off 2016/2017 Winners: Bank of Beirut