30/01/2007 - 31/01/2007
1st Nordic Futsal Conference

1st Nordic Futsal Conference in Helsinki

1st Nordic Futsal Conference

30th to 31st of January 2007



30/1/2007 (hotel hall)
13.00 Welcome by Kalle Marttinen (FA of Finland)
13.15 FIFA Futsal Activities by Jaime Yarza (FIFA)
14.15 Break
14.45 UEFA Futsal Activities by Petr Fousek and Laurent Morel (UEFA)
16.15 Break
16.45 Futsal in Finland. History, present and future by Kalle Marttinen (FA of Finland)
18.00 Futsal National Team of Finland by Kalle Marttinen
18.30 Futsal in other Nordic Countries by different participants from North European FAs
21.00 Finnish League match VALO – GFT

31/1/2007 (FA of Finland office hall)

9.15 Rules and Regulations: Futsal vs Football by Kalle Marttinen
10.00 Futsal in Club level by Timo Korsumäki (Ilves)
11.00 Futsal in district level by Jouni Koivuniemi (Turku District)
12.00 Lunch
13.30 Futsal refereeing in Finland by Jyrki Filppu (FA of Finland and former international futsal referee)
14.30 Break
15.00 Conclusion by Kalle Marttinen
16.00 End


FIFA -> Jaime Yarza

UEFA -> Petr Fousek
UEFA -> Laurent Morel

Sweden FA -> Ulf Lindberg
Sweden FA -> Krister Malmsten

Denmark FA -> Henrik Andersen
Denmark FA -> Allan G. Hansen

Iceland -> Thorvaldur Ingimundarson

Norway -> Dag Riisnaes

Posted by Luca Ranocchiari --> luca.ranocchiari@futsalplanet.com


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