02/10/2006 - 05/10/2006
Ural and West Siberia Cup

Russian Women Futsal
Ural and West Siberia Cup

Women Futsal tournament

Tyumen (Russia)


Hall: Sport center Zdorov'e

UPI (Ekaterinburg)
Zenit-Signal (Cheljabinsk)
IBP (Nizhnevartovsk)
ZapSibCollege (Tyumen)
Sdjusshor-18 (Ufa)
Zvezda-2005 (Perm)


UPI (Ekaterinburg) - Zenit-Signal (Cheljabinsk) 0-2
IBP (Nizhnevartovsk) - ZapSibCollege (Tyumen) 4-6
Sdjusshor-18 (Ufa) - Zvezda-2005 (Perm) 1-3
ZapSibCollege - Zenit-Signal 4-0

Zvezda-2005 - IBP 4-4
Zenit-Signal - Sdjusshor-18 1-3
ZapSibCollege - UPI 3-2
IBP - Sdjusshor-18 0-3

Zvezda-2005 - UPI 8-2
ZapSibCollege - Sdjusshor-18 2-0
Zvezda-2005 - Zenit-Signal 8-0
IBP - UPI 5-2

Sdjusshor-18 - UPI 5-2
Zenit-Signal - IBP 4.1
ZapSibCollege - Zvezda-2005 2-4

Group - Standing
1. Zvezda-2005 -----------------5-4-1-0-27--9-13
2. ZapSibCollege ---------------5-4-0-1-17-10-12
3. Sdjusshor-18 ----------------5-3-0-2-11--7-9
4. Zenit-Signal ----------------5-2-0-3--7-16-6
5. IBP -------------------------5-1-1-4-14-19-4
6. UPI -------------------------5-0-0-5--7-22-0

Previous Editions
2002 (10 clubs) -> Irtish (Omsk)
2003 (6 clubs) -> Zenit-Signal (Cheljabinsk)
2004 - not played
2005 (4 clubs) -> Sdjusshor-18 (Ufa)
2006 (6 clubs) -> Zvezda-2005 (Perm)

Ural and West Siberia Cup (Photo courtesy: www.zsgk.ru)

Ural and West Siberia Cup (Photo courtesy: www.zsgk.ru)

Ural and West Siberia Cup (Photo courtesy: www.zsgk.ru)

Ural and West Siberia Cup (Photo courtesy: www.zsgk.ru)

Ural and West Siberia Cup (Photo courtesy: www.zsgk.ru)

Ural and West Siberia Cup (Photo courtesy: www.zsgk.ru)

Ural and West Siberia Cup (Photo courtesy: www.zsgk.ru)

Ural and West Siberia Cup (Photo courtesy: www.zsgk.ru)

Ural and West Siberia Cup (Photo courtesy: www.zsgk.ru)

Ural and West Siberia Cup (Photo courtesy: www.zsgk.ru)

Posted by Luca Ranocchiari --> luca.ranocchiari@futsalplanet.com


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