19/02/2005 - 20/02/2005
1st UEFA Futsal Workshop

1st UEFA Futsal Workshop
This is definitely an important day for European Futsal. UEFA organized in Ostrava the first ever Futsal Workshop, where the future of futsal will be discussed in its main matters. With the aim to develop futsal in every European Country, the UEFA Futsal Unit managed by Laurent Morel invited in Ostrava 18 representantives from countries in which futsal is still not developed in terms of game, structures, administration, youth and female futsal. Just three of these countries will not take part in the Workshop, but the following 15 will be present in Ostrava: Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Island, Eire, Luxemburg, Malta, Northern Ireland, Norway, San Marino, Scotlan, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.

Below you can find the UEFA article on the event, and the complete programme of the 1st Futsal Workshop.

Courtesy: UEFA

Futsal future on Ostrava agenda

Monday, 7 February 2005

UEFA has confirmed the programme for the 1st UEFA Futsal Workshop, which will coincide with the fourth staging of the UEFA European Futsal Championship in Ostrava.

Prestigious event

The two-day event will take place from 18-20 February and has been organised by European football's governing body in tandem with the Football Association of the Czech Republic. In a joint message, UEFA President Lennart Johansson and UEFA Chief Executive Lars-Christer Olsson explained that the prestigious event had a clear intention of promoting the sport across Europe, especially to those new to Futsal.

Sharing views

"The workshop will provide an opportunity for the exchange of information on this specialised section of the game and to promote the fastest-growing indoor sports activity," they said. "During the workshop, there will be a review of the history of Futsal, an introduction to the FIFA Futsal Laws of the Game and analyses of the most exciting moments of recent Futsal competitions, both from the players' and coaches' perspectives."

Expert addresses

The workshop will include a number of prestigious guests from Europe's football associations and the sport in general. Those present will receive the UEFA perspective on all areas of Futsal's development while other guest speakers will include UEFA Futsal Committee chairman Petr Fousek, international referee Pedro Galán Nieto, former footballer turned Futsal star Robert Jarni and respected Futsal coaches Vic Hermans and Mico Martic.

Here is the complete programme of the 1st UEFA Futsal Workshop

Saturday, 19 February 2005

- 09:00 hours - Opening Ceremony, by Petr Fousek, Czech FA General Secretary and UEFA Futsal Committee Chairman and by Dr Viacheslav Koloskov, UEFA Executive Committee Member

Workshop introduction, by Mikael Salzer, UEFA Head of National
Team Competitions

- 09:30 hours - Futsal – Past, Present & Future, by Laurent Morel, UEFA Competition Manager Futsal

- 10:00 hours - FIFA Futsal Laws of the Game, by Pedro Galán Nieto, International FIFA Futsal Referee

10:30 hours - Coffee break

11:00 hours - Futsal Administration in an experienced Association – The Czech FA, by Petr Fousek, UEFA Futsal Committee Chairman

- 11:30 hours - Futsal Administration in a newcomer Association – The Romanian FA, by Cornel Cristian Bivolaru, UEFA Futsal Committee Member

- 12:00 hours - Lunch

14:00 hours - Football & Futsal, the synergies - Interview with a Star Player: Graham Turner with Robert Jarni, Split Futsal, ex-Real Madrid & Croatia

- 14:30 hours - The Promotion of Futsal, by Joăo Rocha, ex AFC Futsal Consultant

- 15:00 hours - Discussion Groups

- 16:00 hours - Break

16:10 hours - Discussion Groups' Feedback

- 16:30 hours - Transport of the participants to CEZ Arena

- 17:30 hours - Attending a training session with a Finalist team (to be adapted)

- 20:00 hours - UEFA Dinner

Sunday, 20 February 2005

- 09:15 hours - Futsal tactics – some considerations, by Victor Hermans, Dutch National Coach or Mico Martic, Croatian National Coach

- 09:45 hours - The Organisation of a UEFA Futsal Event, by Christophe von Wattenwyl, UEFA Event Manager Futsal

- 10:15 hours - Break

- 10:45 hours - The Futsal World Championship Experience, by Jaime Yarza, FIFA Futsal Development Manager

- 11:15 hours - Workshop Review and Closing Ceremony, by Giorgio Marchetti, UEFA Director of Professional Football

- 11:30 hours - Workshop Conclusion

- 11:45 hours - Transport of the participants to Hotel Atom

- 12:00 hours - Lunch

- 14:00 hours - 3rd place match in CEZ Arena

- 17:00 hours - Final of the European Futsal Championship 2005 in CEZ Arena

- 21:00 hours Official Dinner hosted by the Czech FA


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