04/07/2003 - 11/07/2003
European Maccabi Games 2003


The European Maccabi Games give Jewish athletes the chance to compete in regional competition. In 1959, 13 nations and 400 athletes participated. By 1995 there were 25 nations and 1300 athletes competing in the games.

History of the Maccabi Movement
The name Maccabi symbolizes the commitment of a strong Jewish Nation, with a link to the Ancient Maccabees and their courageous fight against the Greeks to achieve the right to honor their religion and to have freedom of conscience together with sovereignty.
Maccabi has its origin within the Jewish history and in the history of anti-Semitism in Europe.
The historical period of the politization of the Jews started at the end of the 19th century when anti-Semitism was on the rise and Jews were under threat. In Vienna, Theodore Herzl reacted to a growing phenomenon, anti- Semitism, of which the Dreyfuss Trial was a highlight at that period.
In 1895, a group of Jewish gymnasts were refused entry into their club in Constantinople, Turkey. As a reaction to this act, they founded the first Jewish club in the world, immediately followed by “Hakoah”, “Hagibor”, “Bar Kochba” and “Maccabi” clubs in Germany. Those clubs started their activities in Poland, Russia, Bulgaria, Finland, Belgium followed by all European countries. So were established the Maccabi clubs and most of them functioned normally until the beginning of World War II.
The tragic period of the Holocaust wiped out many communities including the Maccabi clubs. After the war, some courageous leaders re-started the sports activities in their ruined cities.
Maccabi is today a worldwide Jewish movement. It provides and organizes sporting and cultural events, with the aim of fostering good relations between the Jews and the rest of the world community.

Maccabi World Union (MWU)
Makkabi Weltverband, today Maccabi World Union was founded in 1921, at the time of the 12th Zionist Congress when the various national Maccabi territorial organizations decided to establish a parent body.
The MWU is active in 5 continents, 60 countries and over 400 clubs throughout the Jewish Communities. The total number of members in the world exceeds 400 000.

European Maccabi Confederation
In 1946 European Maccabi leaders gathered in London to asset the damages of the second World War and decided, under the Presidency of Pierre Gildesgame to create the European Maccabi Confederation (E.M.C.), established in Switzerland.
The new organization would then function as link between the affiliated countries in order to promote interclub activities as well as international sports encounters linked to educational programmes.
The EMC has been the driving force behind the creation of Maccabi clubs in all the countries of the former Eastern Block.
With some humility, we can state that Maccabi was the first Jewish organization that has established itself in the former Soviet Union.
The EMC counts 33 affiliated countries, which are all affiliated to the Maccabi World Union (MWU)

History of the European Maccabi Games
The first European Maccabi Games took place in Prague in 1929. The EMG was next held in Antwerp in 1930.
The European Maccabi Games were re-introduced in 1959 in Copenhagen. These games were the forerunners of the Maccabiah in 1962. In the late sixties, it was decided that the EMG would be held every 4 years. The EMC, together with the local Maccabi Games Committee, are responsible for organizing and controlling the EMG while each country organizes its own teams.
For the third time, the European Maccabi Confederation has designated Antwerp to organize the European Maccabi Games from July 4th untill July 11th 2003. This selection was made in consideration of our extensive infrastructure and our experience in the organization of various tournaments and international competitions. Over 1400 athletes from more than 30 countries will compete in 13 sports. The participation of all European Maccabi clubs is not just a sport event but it also has the social aim to be the biggest gathering of the Maccabi youth in Europe.
A worldwide bowling tournament will be organized in memory of Floza Felsenstein with the participation of Israel, South-Africa, the U.S.A. and some EMC countries.

Past EMG Venues
1929 Prague
1930 Antwerp
1959 Copenhagen
1963 Lyon
1979 Leicester
1983 Antwerp
1987 Copenhagen
1991 Marseille
1995 Amsterdam
1999 Glasgow
2003 Antwerp


4-11 July 2003

Antwerp (Belgium)


Futsal Tournament "Seniors"

1° Round:

Belgium - Spain 4-2
Russia - France 4-1
Russia - Spain 7-0
Belgium - France 3-3
France - Spain 5-2
Russia - Belgium 6-3

Standing Group 1:

1. Russia ---------------3-3-0-0--17--4--9
2. France ---------------3-1-1-1---9--9--4
3. Belgium --------------3-1-1-1--10-11--4
4. Spain ----------------3-0-0-3---4-16--0

Italy - Hungary 4-1
Lithuania - Gibraltar 4-1
Lithuania - Italy 4-1
Hungary - Scotland 2-0
Italy - Gibraltar 2-0
Lithuania - Hungary 6-1
Gibraltar - Scotland 4-2
Italy - Scotland 1-1
Gibraltar - Hungary 2-2
Lithuania - Scotland 8-3

Standing Group 2:

1. Lithuania ------------4-4-0-0--22--6--12
2. Italy ----------------4-2-1-1---8--6--7
3. Gibraltar ------------4-1-1-2---7-10--4
4. Hungary --------------4-1-1-2---6-12--4
5. Scotland -------------4-0-1-3---6-15--1

Holland - Turkey 2-2
England - Holland 2-1
Turkey - Slovakia 6-2
England - Finland 2-2
Finland - Slovakia 3-0
Holland - Finland 1-1
England - Turkey 2-3
Holland - Slovakia 4-0
Slovakia - England 2-8
Turkey - Finland 0-1

Standing Group 3:

1. Finland --------------4-2-2-0---7--3--8
2. England --------------4-2-1-1--14--8--7
3. Turkey ---------------4-2-1-1--11--7--7
4. Holland --------------4-1-2-1---8--5--5
5. Slovakia -------------4-0-0-4---4-21--0

1/4 Finals:
France - Finland 2-2 (7-6 a.p.)
Italy - Turkey 4-3
Russia - England 7-1
Lithuania - Belgium 7-1

1/2 Finals:
Russia - Italy 13-2
Lithuania - France 3-2

Final 3°/4° Place:
France - Italy 6-0

Final 1°/2° Place:
Russia - Lithuania 7-1

Futsal Tournament Seniors European Maccabi Games 2003 Winner:


Futsal Tournament "Juniors"

Results Group:
England - Italy 1-3
France - Finland 6-3
Russia - Turkey 7-1
Finland - Italy 6-0
Turkey - Finland 3-1
Russia - England 6-1
Italy - France 2-4
England - France 1-3
Italy - Turkey 1-1
France - Russia 0-8
England - Finland 2-1
Turkey - France 3-5
Finland - Russia 0-5
England - Turkey 1-0
Russia - Italy 11-1


1. Russia ---------------5-5-0-0--37--3--15
2. France ---------------5-4-0-1--18-17--12
3. England --------------5-2-0-3---6-13--6
4. Turkey ---------------5-1-1-3---8-15--4
5. Italy ----------------5-1-1-3---7-23--4
6. Finland --------------5-1-0-4--11-16--3

Futsal Tournament Juniors European Maccabi Games 2003 Winner:


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