G. Weymiens" [Futsal
Tournaments] ![]() |
utsalKlub VORDENSTEYN - SchotenAangesloten KBVB - Stamnummer A2806
After a few years break the management of
Futsalclub Vordensteyn has decided to organise
again an International Futsal Tournament.
This two days tournament will take place on
Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3th of January 1999
in the municipal hall of sports at
Schoten (near Antwerp Belgium).
It is our goal to invite 12 futsalclubs of good quality from Belgium and
to compete for the trofee G. WEYMIENS and moneyprices. Notably :
1st place : 50.000,-Bef (*)
2nd place: 15.000,-Bef (*)
3rd place : 7.500,-Bef (*)
Our club has the pleasure to invite your club to participate this International Futsaltournament.
The contribution for participating is determined to 7.500,- BEF.
Your written confirmation and the contribution have to be in our possession before
November 20th 1998.
The contribution has to be paid by an international money-order referring to Int.
Futsaltournament G. WEYMIENS.
The eleven clubs who register first will be considered to participate.
All further information about the tournament will be send later to the clubs that has confirmed their participation.
For all further information you can contact our responsible Mr.
at following telephonenumbers +32 3 6580363 and +32 3 2869568
You can also send us a E-mail message : Tony.Tang@ping.be.
We hope to receive your registrationform soon.
Yours sincerely,
Tony Tang
(*) The amounts can be changed if we receive less then 12 participating clubs.