Report from England

Hackney Gazette
Courtesy: Hackney Gazette

FA National Futsal Super League outfit Genesis Futsal Club inspire Michael Mitch Osei to start up TM Futsal Club

11 April 2018

TM Futsal train at the Score Centre in Leyton, 100 Oliver Road every Wednesday between 6pm and 7.30pm and they want to recruit more players

The work of Genesis Futsal Club and Trevor Tamatave has inspired Michael Mitch Osei to start his own Futsal club in the local area.

Osei first got into the sport by attending an open training session at Genesis and after playing for the University of East London-based outfit, he has now created a youth team.

TM Futsal club train every Wednesday night at the Score Centre, which is right next to Leyton Orient’s Brisbane Road stadium, with sessions starting at 6pm and finishing at 7.30pm.

A lot of the current squad are from Hackney and Osei is keen to recruit more players aged between six and 11 with the first session free.

He said: “I started TM Futsal because I wanted to give children from Hackney and other local areas a chance to experience fun and education sports sessions.

“I believe futsal holds the key to developing youngsters as it gives them the chance to have more touches of the ball and it also encourages quick decision making.”

The TM Futsal head coach went on to praise Tamatave’s influence, with the Genesis founder opening the pathway for Osei to enjoy a career in the game.

He said: “I first got into futsal by attending an open training session at Genesis Futsal Club.

“There I learnt the game from Trevor, the founder of Genesis, and had the chance to play in the FA National Futsal Super League.

“I was lucky, however, as Genesis is one of the few clubs in the area and I believe there needs to be more so we can help and nurture more children and young adults.”

TM Futsal is in its infancy right now, but Osei has some big plans, he added: “The long-term goal is to have teams at all age groups from under-eights to under-18s.

“We would want to partner with companies and organisation that can help educate our players not only on futsal but other principles.

“We would also want to try and create a platform for the kids who show abilty to progress either in football or futsal to either professional status or any level below that still keeps them playing.”

For more information call TM Futsal head coach Michael Mitch Osei on 07761 371680 or send him an email at m.osei@hotmail.com.

Posted by Luca Ranocchiari --> luca.ranocchiari@futsalplanet.com


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