AMF youth futsal from Australia

Townsville Bulletin
Courtesy: Townsville Bulletin

Townsville youngster makes national team for UK trip

by Victoria Nugent

February 1, 2017

TYLER Boyce, 13, only started playing futsal last year, but he’s already set to represent Australia.

After competing for Queensland in the FFA National Futsal Championships in Sydney in January, Tyler has been selected for the national team.

He will fly to the UK in October to play teams from all over the world.

Tyler said it was exciting to come so far in such a short time, having started playing at Kirwan State High School last year, before joining a club.

“I played a little bit last year for school and that was where my love of futsal began,” he said.

“I started playing in a club and I found out I was pretty good at goalkeeping.

“I didn’t have a lot of equipment like gloves, I just had my hands.”

Tyler said he was glad his hard work had paid off.

“All I really did was keep trying,” he said.

“It’s a lot of pressure being a goalkeeper.

“If you miss the ball, it can really change the game.”

Tyler said he’d already started training to make sure he is playing his best for the UK trip.

Posted by Luca Ranocchiari --> luca.ranocchiari@futsalplanet.com


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