Spain squad announced for friendlies against Serbia

Head coach Venancio releases list of 12 ...
The Spain squad for two friendlies against Serbia has been revealed. The games will take place in the Serbian cities of Kragujevac and Belgrade on the 2nd and 3rd of December.

Goalkeepers: Cristian Domínguez (Barcelona), Rafa Fernandez (ElPozo Murcia)

Defenders: José Miguel Ruiz (El Pozo Murcia), Carlos Ortiz (Inter Movistar).

Wingers: Adrián Alonso "Pola" (Inter Movistar), Adri Martinez, Miguel Sayago 'Miguelín' (ElPozo Murcia), Jesus Aicardo (Barcelona)

Winger-pivots: Raúl Campos (ElPozo Murcia), Diego Quintela (Santiago Futsal)

Pívots: Rafa Usín (Magna Navarra), Fernandao Maciel (Barcelona).



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