21/09/2007 - 26/09/2007
Izmir International tournament

Turkish Futsal
Interesting international futsal tournament in Izmir, Turkey. On September 23rd will start a four nations event including the host country Turkey, as well as Netherlands, Azerbaijan and England.

The Izmir competition will come after two days of FIFA futsal seminars: the coaching one will be held by the dutch instructor (as well as head coach of Netherlands) Vic Hermans (21/9, 09.00-18.30, theory sessions in the İzmir Balçova Otel and practical sessions in the Göztepe Gürsel Aksel Spor Salonu), while the day after the refereeing course will count on the belgian Patrick Willemarck as speaker (22/9, 08.00-19.00, theory sessions in the İzmir Balçova Otel and practical session in the Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tınaztepe Eğitim Kampusü Spor Salonu).

International Futsal Tournament - Izmir 2007


Izmir, Turkey

Hall: İzmir Göztepe Gürsel Aksel Spor Salonu

-> Azerbaijan
-> England
-> Netherlands
-> Turkey


17:30 Netherlands – Azerbaijan 3-4 (2-1)

16:00 Azerbaijan – England 10-0 (2-0)
18:00 Turkey – Netherlands 3-3 (0-2)

16:00 England – Netherlands 0-12 (0-6)
18:00 Turkey – Azerbaijan 4-5 (2-3)

17:30 Turkey – England 5-2 (3-2)

Izmir 2007 Standing
1. Azerbaijan ------------------3-3-0-0-19--7-9
2. Netherlands -----------------3-1-1-1-18--7-4
3. Turkey ----------------------3-1-1-1-12-10-4
4. England ---------------------3-0-0-3--2-27-0

International Tournament - Izmir 2007 Winner:

Posted by Luca Ranocchiari --> luca.ranocchiari@futsalplanet.com


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