27/10/2005 - 31/10/2005
1st European Indoor Futsal Championships for Uniformed Services

1st European Indoor Futsal Championships for Uniformed Services

Zabrze (Poland)

For the first time in Europe, between the 27th and the 31th of October 2005, The Society of Futsal Fupporters "5 x 5" together with the "Bobron" company are organizing The European Indoor Futsal Championships for Uniformed Services

The aims of the championships:

- to encourage above mentioned profession groups to active recreation,

- to propagate this sport discipline,

- to exchange professional and sports experiences,

- to consolidate this profession groups through sport.

The leading watchword of these championships sounds: One can’t live only with service.

The teams representing all the professional groups in which wearing uniforms is a part of the daily routine may participate in the tournament. These include: Police, Border Guards, Fire Brigades, Urban Guards, Customs Board, Inland Revenue and Inland Safety Agency and others.

In Poland such form of games is very popular and has been organized since 2000. More information on www.futsal.friko.pl

Championship’s schedule


13.00 Team arrivals

21.00 Official opening


9.00 Qualifying games


9.00 Qualifying games


9.00 Quarter finals, Semi finals and Final

After all the mathes there will be the official gala closing of the championships


11.00 Teams departures

The accommodation and food secured by the organizers will depend on the standard of the hotels and number of meals.

Proposed prices for accommodation and food:

HOTEL***+HB (breakfast + dinner)- 150 Euro/ per person

The teams will be accommodated in Zabrze and Gliwice.

All the questions concerning accommodation and food should be send to futsal@op.pl.
The organizers charges entrance fee – 20 Euro per person. Maximum 12 players may play in one team (the number of escort should be included on the application form)

All the participants will receive commemorative t-shirts and gadgets.

All the teams will receive cups, the first three teams medals. Best Player, Top Scorer, Best Goalkeeper titles and Fair Play Cup will also be awarded.

The entries for the Championships should be send till the 30th September 2005 .

Until this day the 20 Euro of the entrance fee should be paid and 50% of deposit for each player and escort member.

Below we present the number of bank account the money should be send on.



ING BP LPW 91 1050 1230 1000 0022 8444 5448

with the postscript European Championships


English language
Marta Herman

Head Organizer
Ryszard Reiner

Zabrze Fire Brigade

e-mail bobron@op.pl

Dariusz Kepiński

Gliwice Fire Brigade futsal_psp@poczta.onet.pl

Please direct all the questions to the above provided e-mail addresses and we will try to answer them as soon as exhaustively as possible.

We include the application for which should be filled in and send to the one of the above mentioned e-mail addresses.

With kind regards,

Ryszard Reiner

Posted by Danilo Lemma --> danilo.lemma@futsalplanet.com


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