01/07/2005 - 03/07/2005
3rd Summer Futsal Euro Cup 2005

Summer Futsal Euro Cup logo ...

A very important info regarding accomodation in Italian Tournament 3rd Summer Futsal Euro Cup (Riccione 1-3 July 2005)

The first 8 teams who confirmed the participation in the next 7 days (until 31st of May) will have FREE ACCOMODATION for 12 persons per 2 nights (1 and 2 July) all included !!!

The only way to confirm this offer is payment of registration fee of 250 EUR by bank transfer as indicates in official website www.calcioa5marche.com

The following teams from 8th who confirmed the participation also will have FREE ACCOMODATION for 12 persons per 2 nights (1 and 2 July) all included by payment of a special price of 700 EUR registration of the team included).

Please send an email with all requests or info to Mr. Cristiano Fortini to info@calcioa5marche.com or call by phone to GSM +39 333 6819012.

3rd Summer Futsal Euro Cup 2005


Riccione (Emilia Romagna, Italy)
Centro Sportivo Marano Via G. d’Annunzio

Calcio a 5 Marche.com www.calcioa5marche.com

Contact Person
Fortini Cristiano
GSM: ++39.333.68.19.012
Email: info@calcioa5marche.com

Motorway A14 exit Riccione (North --> From Bologna and Rimini, South ---> From Ancona and Pescara)
Train: Riccione Railway Station
Airplane: Ancona/Falconara Airport or Rimini Airport

- OPEN: only not professional teams (64 teams)
- UNDER 21: born from 01/01/1983 (16 teams)
- UNDER 18: born from 01/01/1986 (16 teams)
- UNDER 16: born from 01/01/1988 (16 teams)
- UNDER 14: born from 01/01/1990 (16 teams)
- WOMEN: free (16 teams)

Under 21 of Teams can be inserted in Open Category!

In Qualification Phase the teams will play a least 4 matches (1x25'): following Elimination Phase will be with K.O. matches with eventually extra time (1x5') and penalty kicks.
There will be Official Referees from AIA (Italian Referee Association).
Official FIFA/UEFA Futsal rules.

3 outdoor fiels (2 artificial grass and 1 sinthetyc) measurement m. 38 x 18 (closer to the beaches !).
Car Park (300 places ca.), train station and Hotels very nearly.


250 € per each team, please make bank transfer to:

UniCredit Banca
Agenzia Rimini Regina Elena B
Viale Regina Elena, 255
47900 Bellariva Rimini (RN) - ITALY
IBAN: IT71K0200824299
Account number: 000010423790
Intestate: FORTINI Cristiano
Motive: Registration to 3rd SUMMER FUTSAL EURO CUP 2005

After payment of Admission Fee you can choose your Hotel from scheduled links to found better solution for your stay in Riccione !

Open category Winner: 12 players free accomodation for Edition 2006 !
Trophy for each category Winner, other Cups to teams, players, referees and authorities !
Money prize for Open category and Women Winners !

Money prize for Open Fair Play team !

Extra money prizes possibles (travel refunds) depends from teams registered (i.e. teams who reached Riccione from far zones etc…) !

Team Kupczyk Krakòw (Winner of past Edition) will have 12 free players admittance for 3 nights (1-2 and 3 July 2005).
Follow you can find Hotel Accomodation solutions.

Hotel ****
Hotel *** sup

Full treatment € 58,00
Half treatment € 48,00
Reduction triple room - € 2,00
Charge single room € 10,00

Hotel ***
Full treatment € 48,00
Half treatment € 45,00
Reduction triple room - € 2,00
Charge single room € 9,00

Hotel **
Hotel ** sup

Full treatment € 42,00
Half treatment € 39,00
Reduction triple room - € 3,00
Charge single room € 6,00

you can choose your Hotel from scheduled links directly in official website: www.calcioa5marche.com

Drinks (only water) included in meals, minimum stay is 2 nights, for 1 night requests please contact info@calcioa5marche.com

Hotel reservation deadline:
31 of May 2005


2nd Edition:
Fano (Italy)
30 teams
Winner: Kupczyk (Krakòw / Poland)
Final Standings:
1. Kupczyk - Krakòw / Poland
2. U.S. Acli Ascoli - Ascoli Piceno
3. S.S. C5 Manfredonia – Manfredonia (Foggia)
4. S.S. Futsal Macerata - Macerata
5. Elimar Invest S.A. - Krakòw / Poland

1st Edition:
Morrovalle (Italy)
30 teams
Winner: Elimar Invest S.A. (Krakòw / Poland)
Final Standings:
1. Elimar Invest S.A. - Krakòw / Poland
2. Pol. Castelbellino - Castelbellino (Ancona)
3. U.S. Acli Ascoli - Ascoli Piceno
4. Pécsi MFC - Pécs / Hungary
5. G.S. Giovinazzo C5 - Giovinazzo (Bari)


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