IBS Cup - IZV Cup

IBS CUP - IZV CUP (International Futsal Tournaments)
5-a Side Tournament 2002

Place: Graauw (Netherlands)
Date: May 4, 2002


Name team:
Fax nr:
E-mail address:

Will take part in the:

IZV cup tournament 2002 with ..... Men/ ..... Ladiesteams

IBS cup tournament 2002 with ..... teams (Open European 5 A side Championship)

For lodging you can bring tents and place them on the Sports ground, free of charges (from Friday until Sunday morning).

Send in before 15/12/01 to: vv IZV ( by Euro-Sportmanager)
E-mail: by Euro-Sportmanager@libero.it
Entry fee: € 80,-- /team

In this fee is included: costs for the tournament, 30 free drinks, free admission for players and fans to the party tent on Friday- and Saturday night (May 3 and 4) and 10 free T-shirts per team.

Prizes IBS cup Men’s tournament (Open European 5 A side Outdoor Championship)

1. Trophy, challenger trophy and Dfl. 500,--

2. Trophy and Dfl. 250,--

3. Trophy and Dfl. 100,--

Prizes IZV cup Ladies’ tournament tournament (recreational)
Prizes IZV cup Men’s

1. Trophy and challenger trophy
2. Trophy
3. Trophy


For more details visit also:


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