06/10/2003 - 10/10/2003
21th World Police Indoor Soccer Tournament

World Police Indoor Soccer Tournament
p/a De Bijvank 5
7091 TA Dinxperlo.
The Netherlands

Tel. 0031.315.651525.
Mobile 0031.6.53.333.083
Fax 0031.315.651525
Website: www.wpist.org
E-mail: hh.engels@planet.nl

Dinxperlo, February 2003

Dear Colleagues,

Preparations have begun for the year 2003 edition of our World Police Indoor Soccer Tournament.
Herewith we invite you for this year’s tournament, marking the 21th edition.
The Tournament of 2002 was a great success. About 1500 colleagues from a 38 countries turned it into a fantastic experience, which was finally won by the Russian team from Moscow.
For teams invited for the first time this year, an appendix telling the history of the tournament is attached.
This year’s edition of the World police indoor soccer tournament will take place from Monday 6th up to and including Friday 10th October 2003. The opening ceremony will be on Monday, the actual games on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Part of the accommodations is available to participants some days before and after the tournament. In a next letter you will find more information about this subject.
The World Police Indoor Soccer is the official world championship futsal (indoor soccer) for police teams. It is also the biggest police soccer tournament in the World. The organization has worked for 21 years now to achieve this standard up to present time teams have been housed in bungalow parks and hotels in the neighbourhood of Eibergen and Groenlo.
The housing will be inclusive breakfast, dinner and local tourist tax. The prices can differ depending on whether teams/people wish to take meals. Without meals the price will go down by about ˆ. 5,00. Meals will be in buffet form.
Due to the rising costs for the organization teams have to stay at least three nights. A shorter stay is possible but it will cost more.
Teams, which don’t stay at Marveld, can use the facilities of Marveld such as subtropical swimming pool for free. There is also a possibility fore bowling, sauna, etc.
The teams will receive housing according to the time of their entries; long staying teams (at least 4 nights) will get priority.
In contrast to previous years sheets and pillowcase must be rented. This is a requirement of the bungalow centres’ management.
Everyone will have to bring their own towels; THESE ARE NOT AVAILABLE IN THE BUNGALOWS.
Teams from non-European countries have the advantage that in the week from 6th October up to and including 10th October the first 8 persons are free of charge. (Bungalows and meals are free)
Outside this period normal tariff applies and the organization can not provide meals. People or teams wishing to stay longer should make prior arrangements with the management of the accommodations they are staying in.


Teams arriving at Amsterdam of Dusseldorf airport will/can be collected at the airport. The size of the group is inconsequential. Reservations for this transport should be made well before you arrive.
Each foreign team will be assigned a guide to accompany them during the tournament. The designated guide will generally speak the language of the team.
If a team has special wishes during their visit to the Netherlands please contact the organization.
Most teams arrive on Saturday 4th, Sunday 5th or Monday6th October and depart on Friday 10th October. There are possibilities to make an excursion in the region or to visit Amsterdam or other cities.

The tournament will take place in the Pickerhall in Eibergen. Teams will play 5 against 5. The floor of the playing area is synthetic. The Tournament will be played over three days. 64 teams from over 40 countries will be divided into eight pools. This year we expect participants from Europe, Australia, Africa, Asia, North and South America.


If your team wishes to take part in the 21th World Police Indoor Soccer Tournament your entry must be in by the 15th May 2003. The exact number of people in your group/team must be stated 1st September 2003. Again, those who enter first will receive priority. You may mail, fax of E-mail your entry.

- If you don’t wish to take part in the tournament this year please sent us a note. -
- We then can invite another team in your place. -

Hereby the costs of this tournament:

The prices for the accommodation by four nights during the tournament week will be approxmatly :
Eibernest ˆ 18,00per person per night. This is a ** accommodation.
Marveld ˆ 23,50 per person per night. This is a **** accommodation.

As told this is within breakfast, diner and tourist tax.
(Without meals the price will go down by about ˆ. 5,00 p.p.p.d.)

De Nederlandse ploegen die slechts voor 1 of 2 overnachtingen blijven kunnen in dat geval alleen gebruik maken van de bungalows op Eibernest te Eibergen.
Eibernest ˆ 28 per persoon per nacht

Other costs:
A week rent of bed furniture costs ˆ 3,50 per set.
Tournament fee ˆ 95 per team.
Transport by bus from Dusseldorf or Amsterdam (distance 140 km.) ˆ 20 per person single journey.

In May 2003 you will receive more information. We hope to see you in Eibergen in October.

With kind regards,
Harry Engels.

History of the world Police Indoor Soccer Tournament Eibergen

The soccer tournament began 21 years ago as the Eibergen Police Tournament with participants being invited from police forces in the surrounding area.
In the beginning only Dutch and German Teams from the neighbourhood of Eibergen participated.
Because the police soccer team of Eibergen took part in several tournaments in Europe teams were soon invited from France, Italy and England. This was in 1992. Teams that took part from the beginning are: London, Milan, Torino, Borken and Berlin.
In 1993 many more teams from different countries were invited to take part. This was made possible by the building of a second sport hall in Eibergen.
That year the Tournament got the name ‘European World Police Indoor Soccer’.
This name had to be changed after two years because then the first team from the USA took part. In 1995 the name became World Police Indoor Soccer. This name was even more honoured when teams from Australia, Asia, New Zealand and Brazil took part in the tournament.
In the beginning the organization consisted only of policemen from Eibergen. Now police from the whole region and also civilians from Eibergen take part.
These days the tournament has grown to the biggest of its kind. At the time of the tournament 1100 colleagues from all over the World are quests in Eibergen and Groenlo. After the Police World and Fire Games the World Police Indoor Soccer Tournament is the biggest police event in the World.

Some winners:
1993 Police Leiden, Netherlands.
1994 Police Barcelona, Spain
1995 Police Utrecht, Netherlands.
1996 Police St. Petersburg, Russia.
1997 Police Selection from Brazil.
1998 Police St. Petersburg, Russia.
1999 Police Riga, Latvia
2000 Police Riga, Latvia
2001 Police Riga Latvia
2002 Moscow Russia

The following countries are regular participants in the World Police Indoor Soccer Tournament in Eibergen:
Brazil, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, England, Scotland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, Faroer islands, Gibraltar, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Tsjech republic, Slovakia Croatia, Iceland, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Paraguay, Saudi Arabia, Monaco, Qatar, Aruba, Curacao, Estonia, Lithuania, Belarus, and Bermuda.
This year ( 2003) we will try to get other countries to take part. The organization is already hard at work to realise this purpose.
This is the history of the tournament so far.

Harry Engels

Application form

Team name ------------------------------
Policeforce ---------------------------
Country --------------------------------
City -----------------------------------
Postal adress -------------------------
Telephone daytime ----------------------
Fax number -----------------------------
E-mail adress---------------------------
Contactperson, name---------------------
Privateadress contactperson--------------
Private phone/fax/E-mail contactperson-------------------
Total number of persons -------------------------------
players -------------------------
Date and time of arrival-------------------------------
date and time of departure-----------------------------
Transport (fly, car, bus etc.)------------------------------
Transfer from Airport to Eibergen/Groenlo Yes/No-----------
On which airport will you arrive --------------------------

1. choice of accomodation (price)---------------------------------------------------

2. choice of accomodation (price)---------------------------------------------------

Do you want to have meals------------------yes/no-------------

Do you want to rent a pillowcase and sheets (3,50 Euro for the week)---yes------

Tournamentfee 95 Euro All payments on Monday or Tuesday before the tournament.


World police indoor soccer:
att.: Harry Engels
De Bijvank 5
7091 TA Dinxperlo
The Netherlands
Fax and E-mail is also ok.
Phone/fax 0031-315-651525
Mobile 0031-653-333083
E-mail hh.engels@planet.nl
Website www.wpist.org


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